Deputy Director General, Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid
Klaus Rudischhauser joined the European Commission in 1989 and took up duty in the Directorate-General Environment. Subsequently he worked on assistance to the Newly Independent States and then was Head of Unit at the Directorate-General Personnel and Administration and the Directorate-General Energy and Transport where he was in charge of the Transeuropean Transport Networks.
From March 2007 to May 2011, Klaus Rudischhauser was Director at the Directorate-General Development and Relations with ACP Countries. His areas of responsibility covered amongst others: Programming of the European Development Fund (EDF), Panafrican issues, Peace and Security in Africa, Migration, Governance, Budget support and debt relief.
From June 2011 to July 2012, Klaus Rudischhauser was in charge of Directorate B Quality and Impact of Aid at DG for International Cooperation and Development. His responsibilities included amongst others: Quality of aid; Evaluation; Inter-institutional relations; Information and Communication.
As of 1 August 2012 Mr Rudischhauser is Deputy Director General at DG for International Cooperation and Development and oversees directorates EU development policy, Sustainable Growth and Development, Human and Society Development and three units dealing with respectively Communication and transparency, Institutional relations, Quality and results.