Technology Transfer to Foster Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization

Energy is a critical input for economic growth and industrialization. Some developing countries, however, suffer from severe energy poverty due to inadequate generation capacity, limited electrification, unreliable services, and high energy costs. In order to foster inclusive and sustainable industrialization in developing countries while also securing access to energy, environmental conservation, and the move towards low carbon production pathways specifically, is pivotal.

The transfer of low carbon technologies addressing areas such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, waste to energy, from developed countries to developing countries is expected to play an important role in addressing the challenges developing countries face.

This side event will look at best practices, opportunities, and challenges of technology transfer primarily based on examples from the African continent as well as some mechanisms enhancing technology transfer.

The discussion will revolve around profound insights from multiple players engaging in technology transfer including policy makers, industry representatives, and academia.

This side event will contribute to Day 1, HLP 4: SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy and SDG 13 Climate Action.

docum: Kazuhiko Hombu – “Some Questions and Facts”, Hiroyuki Kobayashi – “JICA’s Cooperation in the Energy Sector”, Mari Yoshitaka – “Financial Challenges of Technology Transfer for Low-Carbon Technologies”, Inhee Chung – “Green Growth as a Driver for Technology Transfer and Sustainable Industrialization”, Session Summary


May 09 2017


2:00 pm - 3:30 pm


Conference Room 5 (C Building 7th floor), Vienna International Centre
Conference Room 5 (C Building 7th floor), Vienna International Centre