Parallel Session III: Public Private Partnerships for Energy Efficiency
This session will focus on Pubic Private Partnerships (PPPs) as mechanisms to tackle market failures and expand the reach and delivery of government and public sector services and initiatives, particularly where lack of financing is a key barrier to investment in energy efficiency.
Although cities, states and regions around the world have been leaders in driving energy efficiency policies and practices within their jurisdictions, there remains a need for stronger collaboration between the private and public sector. While the latter has the task of establishing policy and regulatory frameworks, the private sector must play a larger role in driving technology standards, financial solutions and targeted incentives to accelerate improvements. Furthermore, international organizations and governments provide technical assistance for enhancing enabling environments, while financial institutions (both private and public, including IFIs) provide finance, as well as de-risking the investment environment. To facilitate these relationships, the SE4All Global Energy Accelerator Platform is actively promoting PPPs in energy efficiency that can help to successfully attract private sector financing and generate value by reducing project life cycle costs and administrative costs, providing better risk allocation, and improving service quality.
This session will, therefore, focus on experiences of big corporations, financial institutions, governments, and international organizations, cooperating on energy efficiency interventions. In particular, panelists will showcase successful contractual relationships between public and private entities; exemplify success stories of risk allocation on energy efficiency projects between public and private partners; showcase examples of private partners willing to mobilize financing for energy efficiency initiatives; and introduce cases where the private sector has successfully delivered energy efficiency services to the public sector.
Session presentation combined.
Keynote presentation by Mr. Michael Dickstein.