Climate School 1
The Hohe Tauern National Park’s VERBUND Climate School
The Hohe Tauern National Park and VERBUND AG, Austria’s leading electricity company, have been working in co-operation since May 2010. Together they have been implementing the “Hohe Tauern National Park’s VERBUND Climate School” project in schools across the provinces of Carinthia, Salzburg and the Tyrol. Selections from the Climate School’s teaching programme are being showcased at the Vienna Energy Forum. This involves National Park Rangers presenting experiments and illustrative materials from the Climate Programme. Drawing upon simple techniques and teaching methods, they demonstrate how climate change can be made understandable for children and young people aged between 9 and 15.
Thanks to easily remembered experiential learning, observation and analysis, the young climate protectors of the future develop a comprehensive understanding of the factors and inter-relationships that influence and determine both the regional and the global climate. In addition to this, they are made aware of modern civilisation’s impact on those factors and of their consequences for nature, human beings and the economy – as well as what measures are required from society to stop these developments.
Over the last five years the Climate School teaching programme has already reached out to more than 11,000 school students.